Penny gets £8 pocket money. She is given an increase of £3. (a) Write down £3 as a fraction of £8​

Penny gets £8 pocket money. She is given an increase of £3. (a) Write down £3 as a fraction of £8​


£3/£8 = 37.5/100 = 3/8.

Step-by-step explanation:

To write £3 as a fraction of £8, we can use the following formula:

Part/Whole = Percent/100

In this case, the whole is £8 and the part is £3, so we have:

£3/£8 = x/100

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

£3 * 100 = £8 * x

300 = 8x

x = 300/8

x = 37.5

Therefore, £3 is equivalent to 37.5% of £8. We can also write this as a fraction:

£3/£8 = 37.5/100 = 3/8.

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